The Witch & The Living Ghost

Burn her! They cry.
Obstacle of enclosure.
Obstacle of power.
Burn her!

Burn her! They cry.
Crowds infused with dizzying light.


Hundreds of thousands of healers and elders dead.

Vast libraries of memory passed down from those whose names are no longer spoken by living tongues lost to flame. Memory of terror and mass murder fades to the ignorance of the genocide of beauty, the true center of power and knowledge and the acceptance of the ugly and mundane as what should be.

Time buries memory under strata
victims become abusers
slaughtering the sacred, genocide,
but they, still, writhe under the boot of power, illusion,
violence and dis-ease spreads across continents

The glory of glamour and expectation of eternal youth,
Mystifies. pervades, erases.
Breath, life, seeds of remembrance.

Do not shine a light
She whispers in the dark.
You will see right through me.
The shame of this age stained sheet
wrinkled by wisdom.
The gaze enflames and transpares.

As we scorn ourselves
our-others into closets, corners, caves

We are the living ghosts.


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