“From food are made all bodies, which become food for others again after their death" Tattiriya Upanishad, Part 2 ~ on Annamaya Kosha, or the physical element of existence.
In the Pancha Kosha model of existence there are five layers or sheaths. Although, often depicted as a nesting layers of circles with the physical on the outside and atman (think spirit) at the center, the actual experience is not always linear; however, in yoga, as a practice or approach this is typically the path we visualize and follow.
1) Annamaya Kosha – the physical
2) Pranamaya Kosha – the energetic
3) Manomaya Kosha – the mind
4) Vijnanamaya Kosha – wisdom
5) Anandamaya Kosha – bliss
The physical layer called Annamaya kosha is translated as “the illusion of the sheath of food”.
These magnificent turkey vultures sun their wings after feasting on the bodies of salmon who made their final journey to the river to spawn. The salmon becomes a vulture, a tree, the earth and everything that grows from it.
Beings live. They die. We or someone eats them. They become a part of "us". We die and we are eaten and become part of them. Simple. Beautiful. Circles.
Eat and be eaten. Transformation. Death and rebirth and again and again.
I spend today with special attention to honoring the wise, kind, and loving ancestors. Happy Samhain!